Huawei Ascend D will go on sale in July

With the announcement of the flagship quad Ascend D, Huawei announced that it will go on sale in the second or third quarter of this year. There is now more accurate information about the timing of the release. It will take place, but only in the third quarter, although at the very beginning. It is reported that Huawei has gone to some delay in the release of their leader to better refine the model. Mass production will begin in June and in July it will appear on the shelves. Unfortunately there is no information about how much will this cost model. Representatives of Huawei say they intend to release a model for the price of 15% or 25% cheaper than its counterparts from other manufacturers. Such a pricing policy can be explained by the fact that until the perceptions of buyers Huawei can compete with well-known brands. Meanwhile, according to unofficial information, about the same time as the Huawei Ascend D will be available and the new flagship of Series Samsung Galaxy S. Against the background of the rival brand for the Chinese the only trump card may be a lower cost.