Officially, Apple does not comment on the recently emerged rumors about the release of version iPad tablet with a screen diagonal of 7.85 inches. Nevertheless, the information in a network of more compact version of the popular devices continues to proliferate. It is now known that the device will probably not get the screen Retina, and is satisfied with IPS / FFS from LG Display and probably, AU Optronics. The advantage of such screens is that they not only lower cost but also a more subtle construction that would reduce the overall size of the device or put more "fat" battery. Such a move Apple, in the case of the real development of 7.85-inch version of the iPad is quite logical. This device will not compete with the older version, but primarily with the proposals from Amazon and Samsung, which have a 7-inch plates in a price range to $ 300. Model of Apple in this case shall be secured in the same price range as well as a mass-dimensional characteristics comparable level, while the "big» iPad occasionally criticized for being overweight. Deadline for submission of 7.85-inch version is not specified, but noted that the level of the starting price will be between $ 249 and $ 299.