The company Yandex announced a new version of mobile Yandex.Maps, whose main innovation is the ability to download entire scheme of the phone.
In advance by downloading the map, such as Wi-Fi, people will save the mobile Internet. In addition, it can be used even if the phone does not catch network. The ability to download map also has a Yandex.Maps application for the iPhone.
Maps are already available for more than 60 cities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Some of them created in the service of the People's Map by users. Detailed scheme, for example, has 224 megabytes of Kazan and Tomsk - 75. In this case the user has the choice to boot between the full version of the survey and map. Download the map as you can in the phone memory or on SD-card using Wi-Fi or 3G/GPRS connection.
Full list of features Yandex.Maps version 2.20 is as follows:
the ability to download a map of the city of phone;
Comments at the "conversations";
the construction of routes across Russia and Ukraine;
public transport routes in Kiev;
maintenance of the route (distance, travel time and speed of movement);
Automatic rebuild the route;
bus schedule in Kazan and schedule minibuses in Nizhny Novgorod.