Samsung Electronics has introduced in the Russian market of new thin and light notebook series 5 Ultra. The line of laptops, more precisely, ultrabukov include models Samsung Series 5 Ultra 530U3B (13-inch) and Series 5 Ultra 530U4B (14-inch), built on the processor Intel Core i3-2367M and i5-2467M and working on Windows-based 7 (Home Premium). Both devices are equipped with a matte anti-glare display with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels and supports up to 8 GB of RAM. Junior model uses an integrated Intel HD graphics 3000, and the older - the discrete AMD Radeon HD7550M.
13-inch model has a thickness of 17.6 mm and weighs 1.43 kg, it is equipped with a hard drive to 500 GB and 16 GB ExpressCache SSD or a 128GB solid state drive, optical drive is not provided. But he has a 14-inch laptop (DVD Super Multi with Double Layer), which is also equipped with a 500 GB hard drive and 16 GB ExpressCache SSD. The thickness of the Samsung Series 5 Ultra 530U4B reaches 20.9 mm, weight - 1.84 kg.
Of the general characteristics should be mentioned 1,3-Mp web-camera, wireless Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n and Bluetooth 3.0, ports VGA (with adapter 530U3B), HDMI, USB 3.0, a slot for SD / SDHC / SDXC / MMC and support technology ExpressCache. Thanks to the Ultra 5 Series notebooks can be downloaded in just 20 seconds out of hibernation for 2 seconds, and at the same time, increase the speed of launching applications is two-fold compared with the previous-generation laptops with conventional hard disks. The models can operate up to six and a half hours of battery life on a single charge. In the Russian market Laptops Samsung Series 5 Ultra will be available from March 2012 to an estimated price of 36,499 rubles (for 13-inch model with the SSD) and 33,999 rubles ( for 14-inch model with a HDD, an external graphics and optical drive).
Ultrabuki Samsung Series 5 Ultra will be released on the Russian market in March