It is understood that the Amazon to further reduce costs, from the foundry, Quanta took back the components of the decision of Amazon second-generation Kindle Fire is about to debut in the second quarter, the second generation of the Kindle Fire component certification, the quotations are surgeon by Amazon, the outside world believes that this fear of compression foundries foundry profit.
Quarter expose on Amazon earnings, single-quarter profit fell 57 percent to the outside world can be maintained on the Amazon cheap sell hardware sales strategy was questioned. However, Amazon is in response to low-cost strategy, a change in tactics in the second generation of the Kindle Fire.
The supply chain components of the generation of the Kindle Fire number is the Quanta decision, but the second generation of the Kindle Fire is directly on the Amazon offer and will help to further control the cost of components.
Second generation of the Kindle Fire Add Hon Hai to join the OEM and component part of the industry said, the original can only be shipped Quanta models but Amazon directly involved in the component certification, then even the Hon Hai surgeon of the 10 inch models are also expected to enter the supply chain, is a positive message to the component factory.
The Kindle Fire Taiwan-based supply chain, including PVI, macros cause, letter sounds, Han Quan, Quanta, Foxconn, etc.. Components factory specifications are still being designed, but is expected to be delivered in March, the second generation of the Kindle Fire component samples, the heavy volume shipments expected in May and June, about the end of the second quarter of listed.
It is understood that the Amazon Fire on the second generation of the Kindle is very confidence, to disclose to the supply chain "this year will definitely better than last year. Market expectations, Amazon Tablet PC market size of this year have the opportunity to break 10 million units, the supply chain is expected, the second generation of the Kindle Fire shipments have the opportunity to challenge the single season for the generation of models up to 6 million units results in the second quarter of the supply chain will drive shipping heating.
In addition, the legal person pointed out that the connector factory letter sound in the first generation Kindle Fire supply connector audio and Power Jack, but in the second generation of aspects of supply of material from the generation of two to the second generation doubled to four. Expected legal, letter sound of the second quarter of revenue have the opportunity to copy the fourth quarter of last year benefited from the Amazon Kindle Fire up the goods while the monthly rise in the trend. But the Singatron said to express an opinion, and inconvenience to a single customer shipment status.
Second generation of the Kindle Fire Amazon grabbed
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