Samsung has officially demonstrated several new chipsets on display Exynos International Solid-State Circuits Conference. The new models combine increased productivity and reduced energopotrebenie and are based on the Cortex-A9 cores and a new graphics accelerator. Models are made of 32-nm technology, while the previous generation were made on 45-nm. Any of the core platform can be disabled, as well as half of the 1-MB second level cache to conserve battery power. According to Samsung's new Exynos processors have the performance to 26% faster than before. However, power consumption is not increased and decreased. At the highest load on the processor - up to 45%, and the processing of three-dimensional video - by 48%. It is reported that the platform includes a new graphics accelerator with a geometric engine and four pixel processors. Clock Speed Samsung Exynos can vary from 200 MHz to 1.5 GHz. Support to the memory and LPDDR2 LPDDR3. In the future, will be released and the modification of the dual-core, which will differ a similar performance but lower cost. The platform will be showcased at MWC, but will at the same Samsung display devices based on it - not reported.