Nokia has no "Plan B" - the rate solely on the Windows Phone

Some time ago it was reported that, in the bowels of Nokia developed a "plan B" that would allow the company to stay afloat if the software platform Windows Phone will not bring success, and such devices will be unused on the market. Unfortunately, we now know that no plan exists and the rate of the Finnish manufacturer is solely on the operating system from Microsoft. This was stated by the European Manager Says Victor (Victor Saeijs) in an interview with Swedish newspaper Dagens Industri. He noted that the start of sales of smartphones series Lumia is assessed as very successful, and the same in Sweden, they were dnimi of the best sellers of the market. Says Mr. pointed out that the company started from scratch, but for world domination is needed to conquer the U.S. market, where its position and to "reset" was not too strong. There are no comments about why the company has refused to develop their own operating system Symbian and MeeGo, choosing instead to operating system from Microsoft, he did not give. rate solely on the operating system, Windows Phone has been perceived ambiguously by all except the management of Nokia. CEO Steven Ilop never tires of repeating that it is running from Microsoft related to the company's future, while other areas were considered them futile. At last though unofficial reports, Nokia is not only limit the production of one model MeeGo devices, but will not release new models running Symbian, presenting this year only one such mobile and stopping the development of his successors, or other similar models. This decision puts an even greater impact on the company's position in the smartphone market, because despite the bravura messages from Microsoft and Nokia operating system Windows Phone and smartphones based on it are not very popular, always closing the table of the most popular mobile operating systems.