Home launcher and widgets on Xperia S leaked

The new Xperia launcher has been leaked.
we just want to ask you not deprive him & here for you to download. install: adb install-r home.apk addition, we offer you a package, which you can install it. . For your needs is a PC and USB debugging active . unpack zip folder and start INSTALL.CMD Should you something from the package will not install just delete the associated FAC, the script reports an error and then simply skips the Part Included are:

Home.apk - S Home Xperia launcher
SemcMusic.apk - Xperia ™ s music player
SemcCalendar.apk - Xperia S calendar app (slight changes to the Arc calendar, unfortunately, is not 100% liquid)
livewallpaperearth.apk - Animated 3D globe as live wallpaper, with the moon
WidgetPicker.apk - required if you want to use one of the widgets clock or OnOff
ClockWidget.apk - new clocks for Homescreen
MusicWidget.apk - new widget for the music player
PhotoWidget.apk - beautiful animated photo widget, smooth
OnOffTools.apk - new widget with shortcuts (see screens of Marc)
WeatherWidget.apk - new and veeery very nice animated weather widget, liquid completely

hotfile.com/dl/147750631/9d744bc/XperiaS_Package.zip.html UNINSTALL: if one of the apps you no longer want to have, you can then simply uninstall the application manager of Android (Updates Uninstall). After that as usual the original version for disposal. greets Mon
