EDK version 2.0 now available

Over the last few months, we’ve published a number of Extension Development Kit (EDK) blog posts and tutorials to help you develop extensions for both the Timescape social network app and the Music player in our Xperia™ smartphones. Now we’ve got another update for you – EDK 2.0 – and it includes an updated Timescape™ API that enables you to incorporate Facebook™-like actions (such as “liking” or commenting) for the users of the external apps you create for Timescape™. We’ve also included an emulator for Smart Extras for your convenience.. Read on for more details and to download EDK 2.0.
We’re excited to launch version 2.0 of the EDK, which has some new features added to further improve this toolbox. The first change is an updated version of the Timescape™ API, the interface used by Timescape™ to generate data displayed for the app. This includes an update for the EventStream, which is an event engine used to create a list of events displayed in Timescape™. For the extensions you create for Timescape™, you now have the ability to add actions for your users to react to social media events, such as “liking” a post or replying to a comment to a picture you’ve posted.  For detailed info on Timescape™, check out the Timescape extensions overview page. EDK 2.0 also contains the Smart Extras emulator from the Smart Extension SDK. Further explanation of this emulator is available on the Smart Extension SDK overview page.
EDK 101 – the basics
In order to create custom extensions for the Timescape and Music player apps in Xperia™ smartphones, we created the EDK. The EDK itself consists of two parts:
A binary that can be downloaded using the SDK Manager from Android SDK.
Code examples and documentation for Timescape™ and Media player.
The EDK shows you how to create extensions that extend the current features of Timescape™ and Media player. When you install the EDK, the toolkit also includes the LiveKey emulator application and the Smart Extension emulator. The LiveKey™ emulator provides a UI for developing and testing extensions that extend the features of the LiveKey™ button on the LiveSound headset. The Smart Extension emulator provides a UI for developing and testing extensions for Smart Extras™ accessories – SmartWatch and Smart Wireless Headset pro.
We have an EDK developer section that gives instructions for downloading and installing the EDK. We’ve also updated for EDK FAQ section with 2.0 details. If you have any questions, post them in the EDK developer support thread on Google groups.
Note: Developer World would like to give a big thanks to Whui Mei Yeo, Software Developer at Sony, for providing technical expertise for this article.