Beeline and the Russian State Children's Library Children's Services will create a web resource

The operator "VimpelCom" (brand "Beeline") announced that a grant of the Russian State Children's Library to create a list of safe and useful online resources for child development and learning. As planned by the company, the project "Interesting Internet: vebgid for children and adults" will allow children and parents to find a positive and informative information on the network, avoiding the negative content. main purpose of the joint project and the Beeline RGDB is to create a constantly updated service of Child and Adolescent Webliography with positive information , which is developing an interest in science, culture, education, sport and society. Feature of the project is that, as experts will be invited to not only adults but also children themselves. The idea is that adults verified online space in terms of safety, utility and value of content development, and children - in terms of its fascination. Resources will be systematically checked by the expert council, composed of experienced teachers, more than 4000 employees libraries throughout Russia, as well as youth Chamber Safer Internet Centre. Thus, tested and approved by the resource falls into the "white list" of sites containing not only proven, but interesting information for children, according to the operator.