Samsung Electronics announced the launch of a new line of digital cameras with long lens and support for Wi-Fi, which it believes are intended for that category of users who are engaged in tourism and travel frequently.
Models WB850F, WB150F and ST200F differ powerful optical zoom and high image quality. With support for Wi-Fi new cameras allow users to share their photos with friends or post them on photohosting, from anywhere in the world where there is wireless connectivity.
New items have in their arsenal of technology support SMART Wi-Fi (wireless transmission of images to your computer), the functions of Auto Backup, pictures are automatically saved to your hard drive, using Wi-Fi connection.
Model WB850F, equipped with a GPS-receiver, working together with the service, "Live Tags» (Live Landmark), allows one-click download maps and useful information on nearby objects (Point of Interest), making any trip more enjoyable and comfortable . Digital compass, set this camera also allows user to locate and its distance from certain geographical locations. And for the download and view maps in the model corresponds to a special function WB850F MapView.
The model has WB850F lens with a 21-fold increase, WB150F - 18x superzoom, the model ST200F-10x zoom. addition, the model is set WB850F matrix (16.1 MP) with a backlit (BSI CMOS), which allows to reduce noise and distortion, even in low light conditions. The model features a large AMOLED-display 3-inch.
WB850F able to record video with a resolution of Full HD (1080/30p), a model and WB150F ST200F with HD resolution (720/30p).
The new line of digital cameras from Samsung with a long lens, and Wi-Fi