The Naked Truth: Exclusive Survey from FITNESS Magazine & Yahoo! Shine Reveals How Men & Women Really Feel about Their Bodies

57% of Women Polled Think They Look Fat Naked;

Thighs ranked as #1 Most Hated Body Part; Cleavage ranked as #1 Body Part To Flaunt Among Women

However, 63% of adults admit to walking around their home naked

SUNNYVALE, Calif. & NEW YORK -- It's no wonder losing weight continues to dominate New Year's resolutions—a new survey from FITNESS Magazine and Yahoo! Shine reveals that 57% of women polled think they look fat naked and 81% of adults have a body part they hate. The exclusive survey asked 1,500 women and men to bare it all about how they feel about being naked.

The survey revealed a lack of body confidence with women more likely than men to have issues with many parts of their body, primarily their thighs (21%), while men dislike their butts the most (11%).

The results appear in the February 2012 issue of FITNESS, on stands January 17th 2012, andonline at Yahoo! Shine and Fitness Online. Highlights from the findings are included below.

Body Language

When looking in the mirror, 57% of women say they think they look fat, and wish they were more toned and less jiggly
48% of men think they look good when they glance in the mirror
Most Flaunted Body Part:

31% of women ranked cleavage as the body part they most like to flaunt
19% prefer to show off their butts
14% have legs they like to reveal in a miniskirt
Most Hated Body Part:

Overall, thighs are the most hated body part among women and men (14%) followed by arms and butt with 11% of the votes each
Women are more likely to dislike their thighs (21%)
Men like their butt the least (11%)
Nude Attitude

Only 19% of adults say they would go to a nude beach at any time; 29% said they would only go at night and about 20% saying they would go if they lost weight
47% of women feel sexier wearing lingerie than being naked; 53% of men agree
Adults are more uninhibited at home. Nearly 3 in 4 frequently have sex with the lights on (71%) and nearly 2 in 3 often walk around the house naked (63%). Men are also more likely to walk around the house without clothes on (67%) than women (59%)
27% of men walk around nude in the locker room, compared to only 9% of women.
20% of men have posed naked for a photo; 15% of women have
18% of men have "sexted" someone a naked photo, while 12% of women have hit send
*Full survey results available by request.

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About the Survey:

Yahoo! partnered with Ipsos OTX MediaCT to conduct the Yahoo! Shine Body Confidence Survey in November 2011. We interviewed n=1,500 Americans ages 18 to 64 representative of the U.S. online population via an online quantitative survey.

About FITNESS magazine

Launched in 1992, FITNESS magazine is a leading source for all the latest news on health, nutrition and exercise. The magazine and its partner website,, are devoted to delivering strategies and tools that help women make little changes to achieve big success. With a you-can-do-it attitude, our workouts, health and beauty advice, diet plans and success stories motivate readers to get strong in mind, body and spirit. The magazine empowers women to embrace fitness as a lifestyle—not an age or dress size—and to change the conversation from "skinny" to "healthy." FITNESS is published 10 times a year by Meredith Corporation [NYSE: MDP], with a rate base of 1.5 million and an audience of 7.4 million readers. For more information, please visit

About Yahoo!

Yahoo! is the premier digital media company, creating deeply personal digital experiences that keep more than half a billion people connected to what matters most to them, across devices and around the globe. And Yahoo!'s unique combination of Science + Art + Scale connects advertisers to the consumers who build their businesses. For more information, visit the pressroom ( or the company's blog, Yodel Anecdotal (