Scientists have combined a solar panel with OLED-screen

The London Centre for Nanotechnology, Armand Ahnud (Arman Ahnood) proposed to place the place the solar panel in a non-place - behind the screen of mobile phone. As indicated in the studies submitted to the Company on the development of materials at the end of last year, only 36% of the light emitted by the OLED-screen, are used directly. The rest is spent on wasteful dissipation or emitted from the panel edges. Connecting the elementary logic, Armand Ahnud placed solar PV rear and sides of the screen. At the exit was opened to receive "gratuitous" energy, which can either be used directly to power electrical phone or recharge his battery. predlozhennoy advantage of the scheme by a British scientist and solar is that its thickness is small and is comparable to the thickness of the screen. Moreover, since the battery is a relatively thin film, it can be integrated into the structure of the LCD screen mobile phone. In addition, because OLED panel and LCD screens are permeable to sunlight, the solar cell can produce energy and the scattered light coming from the outside from the sun or other sources. bottleneck is that the thickness and weight of the screen will increase. In addition, the proposed scheme has the Armand Ahnudom low energy efficiency - an average of no more than 11%, while conventional solar cells are about 30%. However, given that the previously collected this screen energy has not been used, even such efficiency can be of benefit. While it is relatively small. The scheme will provide approximately Ahnuda 5 mW for 3.7-inch screen that is about 1 / 100 of the consumption of energy in such a smartphone. But now the London Centre for Nanotechnology are working on increasing the effectiveness of which potentially can reach 90% recovery, which will increase the time of the device for several hours.