As the resource Android and Me, Samsung Electronics Company may announce at Mobile World Congress next month a new tablet. According to the journalist Taylor Wimberly (Taylor Wimberly), he even saw the device at the launch at CES Samsung has been able to take it off and on camera, but then have to remove the material. According to him, the tablet has a touch screen for more than 10 inches and is built on a new dual-core processor Samsung Exynos 5250. This chip, as we have already mentioned, has a frequency of 2 GHz. It is based on two cores ARM Cortex-A15 and 1.5 times more productive, and 4 times more powerful in terms of graphics than previous generation solutions for ARM Cortex-A9. It is assumed that the tablet will get a 11.6-inch touchscreen display , but its high-definition source said without doubt that it is 2560x1600 pixels. That is the maximum resolution is able to support the new processor Samsung Exynos 5250. It also reported that the new running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. According to yet another unverified information from the World Wide Web, the model will be called the Samsung Galaxy Tab 11.6.