Resource BGR told about the plans of Research In Motion, and even at this early next year. Recall, RIM has recently changed management and now, apparently, is full of a variety of plans for the near (or not) the future. According to the source, will be released a few smartphones on BlackBerry OS 7, before you finally move to a new BlackBerry platform 10. In addition, a new tablet PlayBook.
New items RIM in the next 15 months:
In the coming months will be two models of the line BlackBerry Curve - BlackBerry Curve 9230 and BlackBerry Curve 9320. The first of these is designed for cellular networks, EDGE, and the second - HSPA. Both devices retain the traditional form factor QWERTY-monoblock proper representatives of the series.
In May and June this year the market will be a new BlackBerry PlayBook tablet with a 1.5-GHz processor, as well as support for HSPA + and NFC.
BlackBerry London model to be released in September, this is a smartphone based on the new BlackBerry OS 10
The series will be released BlackBerry Bold BlackBerry smartphone based on 10, he will touch display and QWERTY-keyboard. The release of this device is scheduled for December.
In the first quarter of 2013 in sale-slider with QWERTY-keyboard, working on BlackBerry 10.
RIM prepares BlackBerry PlayBook tablet with HSPA +, and other novelties