RIM prepares BlackBerry PlayBook tablet with HSPA +, and other novelties

Resource BGR told about the plans of Research In Motion, and even at this early next year. Recall, RIM has recently changed management and now, apparently, is full of a variety of plans for the near (or not) the future. According to the source, will be released a few smartphones on BlackBerry OS 7, before you finally move to a new BlackBerry platform 10. In addition, a new tablet PlayBook.

New items RIM in the next 15 months:
In the coming months will be two models of the line BlackBerry Curve - BlackBerry Curve 9230 and BlackBerry Curve 9320. The first of these is designed for cellular networks, EDGE, and the second - HSPA. Both devices retain the traditional form factor QWERTY-monoblock proper representatives of the series.
In May and June this year the market will be a new BlackBerry PlayBook tablet with a 1.5-GHz processor, as well as support for HSPA + and NFC.
BlackBerry London model to be released in September, this is a smartphone based on the new BlackBerry OS 10
The series will be released BlackBerry Bold BlackBerry smartphone based on 10, he will touch display and QWERTY-keyboard. The release of this device is scheduled for December.
In the first quarter of 2013 in sale-slider with QWERTY-keyboard, working on BlackBerry 10.