On YouTube 60 hours of video upload per minute and scan 4 billion clips a day

Google has said in its official blog that its video service YouTube each day browse more than 4 billion video. Over the past 8 months, this figure rose to 25%. To emphasize the scale, Google reminded that 4 billion - more than half the world's population, the number of one-dollar bills in circulation, as well as for so many years ago on Mars, there was water. Plus, now users upload to YouTube every minute broadcasts over 60 hours of video, is, every second is added to 1 hour of video. Growth over the past 8 months was 30%. For comparison, in 2007 on YouTube every minute loaded 6 hours of video, in 2010 this figure had increased to 24 hours, then 35 and then 48 hours. And finally today - a new record. In order to better demonstrate his, Google has created onehourpersecond.com - an interactive site that clearly shows how much faster is a YouTube-time compared to conventional.