Brand Digma announced to the Russian market two budget players with a classic set of features - Digma Q3 and Digma R1. The first of them is equipped with 1.8-inch TFT-screen with 262 000 colors and 128 x 160 pixels. Digma Q3 plays music in the formats MP3 / WMA / WAV / APE, you can view photos and images in formats JPG / BMP / GIF, and video in AMV. Plus, you can listen to the radio in the FM-band, read text files and record audio using the built-in voice recorder. Built-in memory Digma Q3 may be 4 or 8 GB also has a slot for memory cards microSD. Dimensions are 76 x player 39 x 8 mm, and weight - 36.5 ounces, is powered by a built-in lithium-polymer battery which is charged as from the USB-port of the PC and AC adapter (not included).
The second novelty - Digma R1 - it's lightweight and compact MP3-player with monochrome 1.1-inch OLED-display. Thanks to a special clip player can be attached to clothing. As in the previous model, the control is carried out by mechanical buttons. Digma R1 suggests listening to music and radio stations in the FM-band, as well as the recorded voice from the microphone. In Digma R1 can increase the amount of internal memory through the use of cards format microSD. Dining by the player with built-in lithium-polymer battery, it, as is the case with Digma Q3, can be recharged from the USB-port of a PC or an AC adapter (not included). Dimensions of the model - 62x28x16 mm (with clip).
MP3-players and Digma Q3 R1: low cost and with a classic set of functions