Epson WorkForce DS-30: a mobile scanner to work with documents outside the office

Epson has introduced its first portable scanner Epson WorkForce DS-30 (A4), designed for business users, bank employees or sales representatives out of office. The mobile scanner is easy to take with you: it has very compact dimensions - 276h50h36, 5 mm and weighs only 325 grams. The device works with USB 2.0 cable, podzaryazhayas from the computer to which it is connected. The new scanner provides a resolution of 600 dpi, it is compatible with both PC and Mac.

The kit with scanner Epson WorkForce DS-30 includes software EpsonScan, which is responsible for automatic alignment and sizing of the document, the increase in the font, the protection of PDF files and much more, as well as Abbyy Fine Reader, which is in addition to standard features provides additional features Optical Character Recognition and Presto! BizCard 5 for improving the process of scanning business cards. You can also use the software free Epson Document Capture Pro, which implements many additional features, including the onward transmission of information using cloud technologies, transmission of documents by e-mail and so on. Portable scanner Epson WorkForce DS-30 will go on sale in February 2012.