I've been bouncing this idea around for a while now, and it seems like an even better idea now, given my recent brush with this problem: we need an App Store for root apps. We also need an app store for apps that are getting shut down for no good reason, other than carrier, or some random corporation doesn't like it. [1]
+CyanogenMod has a huge following now. In fact, we are about to pass 1 million unique, active, user installs. http://stats.cyanogenmod.com/
This is huge.
As the project grows, so do our server requirements, hardware requirements, etc. One of the ideas I brought up to +Steve Kondik was to have a built in app store in +CyanogenMod, independent of the Android Market. A portion of the sales from the App Store could go towards funding the CyanogenMod project. [2]
What are your opinions on this topic? Would you users actually use a CM App Store and buy apps on it over the Android Market, etc? [3] Would you app developers list your stuff on the CM App Store?
[1] Apps removed from the Market includes, one click root apps, emulators, tether apps, Visual Voicemail apps, and more. These are all completely legal (Nintendo emulators are fine, ROMs are NOT, there is a distinction).
[2] I've actually approached Amazon about bundling their AppStore in CM if they gave CM a cut of the sales. But they brushed me off, saying that was something they could talk about in a few months :p
[3] There is no reason that it would be a CM only app store, of course, any ROM could include it.
CyanogenMod App Store
Other mobile phone brands,