Sony Ericsson Xperia smartphone will call the new Ion

The site United States Patent and Trademark Office (Office of Patent and Trademark Office U.S., USPTO), was found documentation of the brand Xperia Ion. It was incorporated December 13 - that is, the more recently - by Sony Ericsson. This title company will give its new mobile device and most likely it will be a new smartphone. At the very least, the application states that it has provided the company name for a category of "mobile phones", which, in fact, are smartphones. While it is not clear that it will be for the device, but there were suggestions that, under the name Sony Ericsson Xperia Ion in sale is a powerful model, known as Sony Ericsson LT28at / LT28i. This Android-smartphone boasts a 4.55-inch touchscreen, Reality display high-definition (720 x 1280 pixels), 1.5-GHz dual-core processor, 13-megapixel camera and support for LTE networks in one version. Its release to the market is expected next year.