Samsung is not looking at the statement that all smartphones with proprietary operating system Bada get it updated to version 2.0, does not fulfill that promise. Smartphones Samsung Wave 525 and 533 of this update will not receive. In a letter sent out to application developers reported that smartphones with screens with WQVGA resolution (such as in the above units) will be divided into two groups. First get the ones that will be updated, and the second will remain the ones that will be running Bada 1.1. To upgrade to the OS Bada 2.0 smartphones are required to support API 1.1 and 2.0. These include the Samsung Wave 575, 578 and 723. At the same time, Samsung Wave model 525 and 533 will only support the API 1.1, but will not support the API 2.0. They will be offered for renewal Value Pack, which seems to allow their users to experience the same OS Bada 2.0. The letter stated: «Samsung offers updated" Value Pack "for devices that do not support an upgrade to bada 2.0 due to the pavilion equipment limitations, such as the main performance chipset and the permissible speed of data transmission. Package "Value Pack" is designed to offer the same user experience as the customer experience and service bada 2.0, so far as possible, despite the hardware limitations.