Samsung Electronics has announced an interesting new smartphone. A model of Samsung SCH-W999 has two SIM-card dual-cellular (GSM and CDMA), dual-core processor (Qualcomm MSM8660, 1,2 GHz), and immediately two touch screen - 3.5-inch, Super AMOLED, 480 x 800 of points. In terms of form factor is clamshell and she is represented in the Chinese operator China Telecom, with respect to release of information in other markets yet. Samsung SCH-W999 is based on the operating system, Android 2.3, although there is also an optional interface Samsung TouchWiz. The phone also supports Bluetooth 3.0, Wi-Fi (WAPI), equipped with 16 GB of internal memory, microSD-slot and 5-megapixel built-in memory. Dimensions of the smartphone - 111h59h17, 79 mm and weighs 206 grams. The new model seems to be released for sale early next year, its price is still unknown, but may be as high as 10,000 yuan (about $ 1570).
Samsung SCH-W999: a clamshell with two cores, SIM cards and touchscreen
Mobile operators,