Opera brings the results of the CIS in 2011

Last year became the company Opera Software one of the most successful both on the growth of an audience of browsers, as well as to expand the partner network in the CIS. Number of users of desktop Opera browser in the region in 2011 increased by 25%, more than 100 million people at least once using Opera Mini on their mobile devices. With partners in the CIS was spread out over 12 million copies of Opera for customized computers, smartphones, mobile phones and Tablet PCs. By the end of 2011 the number of Opera Mini browser users worldwide exceeded 144 million per month. Russia and Ukraine are in the top 10 regions by number of users - a year in these countries, they became more at 41% and 103% respectively. packages of unlimited Internet-based Opera Mini in the past year benefited from over 5 million subscribers of mobile operators of the CIS. Special rates are offered to the Russian "STC", "motive" and "Akos" Kcell Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan Bakcell. In addition, the cellular providers seek to provide its subscribers with customized versions of Opera Mini and Opera Mobile with pre-cell Speed ​​Dial. In addition to these companies, the contract for the development of these versions has also been signed with Armenia VivaCell-MTS. Within the framework of the CIS mobile browser Opera cooperates with Google, and with by Yandex, providing quick access to search technologies from the browser Opera Mini and Opera Mobile. In 2011, for Yandex were also released customized versions of these browsers, focused on smart phones based on Android. Since July of this year, Opera Mini included a number of Android-smartphone Sony Ericsson. Also engaged in promoting the browser company i-Free, and United Fun Traders. Russia and Ukraine have become leaders in the number of users of desktop Opera browser on a global scale. The audience in these countries in the past year increased respectively by 22.6% and 13.2%. The demand for extensions to the browser, announced in December 2010, has grown even more than expected. In late 2011, users from around the world downloaded more than 5.5 million per month extensions. Moreover, visitors from Russia and Ukraine go to the directory addons.opera.com most of all - they account for respectively 35.2% and 14.9% of hits (taking into account the traffic from all over the world). Two of the most popular extensions for Opera today made ​​Russian web developers - Gismeteo and VKontakte. In the past year increased the number of partners and Opera, promote their services using the browser. Among the companies whose links are placed in the Express bar by default, added services and Booking.com Groupon (in Russian), TUT.BY and Kufar.by (in Belarus), Price.ua, Aukro.ua and Emarket.ua ( in Ukraine). In addition, ongoing collaboration with Opera Mail.Ru Group and by Yandex. End of 2011 extends a special assembly of Opera for PC "tasteful Yandex." The new trend of the year was to use Opera Turbo - Traffic compression technology - to provide users with 3G-modem unlimited access to web pages from notebooks, netbooks, and in some cases , the desktop. Unlimited access packages based on the use of Opera Turbo, in 2011, was first proposed by the Central Branch of the subscribers "Megaphone", as well as customers' Beeline "in some regions of Russia.