Intel and the MTS with the support of the Ministry of Communications and Ministry of Education launched a project "a useful and safe Internet"

Operator MTS jointly with Intel Corporation in support of the Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications, League of Safe Internet, Google and several other organizations have launched educational exhibition project "useful and safe Internet" for children and young people. The project is designed to children, students in junior high school, their parents and teachers, and administration of educational institutions. It is held with the participation of major technology corporations, organizations with extensive experience in child safety online, as well as companies that provide goods and services to children and parents. The project at the Polytechnic Museum opened an interactive exhibition "Children on the Internet." Intel supports technology partner of the project and provides the necessary computer equipment based on Intel architecture for the exhibition, as well as appropriate content. The main organizer of the project, MTS, is planning to expand the geography of the 2012 draft and open similar exhibitions in other cities of Russia. In addition, under the educational direction of MTS will conduct lessons useful and secure Internet in schools of Russian cities. The exhibition "Children on the Internet" will be held at the Polytechnic Museum on December 8, 2011 to February 10, 2012 The exhibition stand was organized in the hall of aviation, a of the most visited museum's halls. When you create a concept of the exhibition was taken as a basis for the principle of interactivity: the children will be able to explore the world of the Internet, learn the rules of conduct on the web and even play games. The hall contains exhibits on the history of data - from printing to the latest telecommunication devices. The exhibition shows the different zones of the Internet: useful, fun, personal, secure, and even dangerous. Young visitors will be able to pass a small quest to become the "advanced" Internet user, and adults - to explore the technological tools to protect children from potentially dangerous or harmful Internet content. MTS together with staff of the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University named after MV University and the Foundation for Internet Development with the Ministry of Education and Science has developed a lesson script "useful and secure Internet." The purpose of this lesson - Education competent and responsible Internet user, familiarity with the children the basic rules of safe use of the Web. Subject training is designed in such a way as to give students the most complete picture of the different aspects of Internet use, both positive and negative. Lessons will take place in winter 2011-2012. in a number of schools in Moscow. They are also included in the educational program of the Museum as a measure for school tour groups. You may enroll through the tour desk of the museum.