Indonesia's Telkomsel demonstrate Huawei and high spectral efficiency 10MHz LTE downlink peak rates of up to 71Mb / s

Indonesia's largest mobile operator Telkomsel have today held a grand ceremony to celebrate the completion of its research and development center. As Telkomsel partner, Huawei actively involved in the construction of R & D center Telkomsel and Telkomsel together demonstrate the latest LTE technology, access to the scene of Indonesia's telecommunications ministry officials and operators of highly.

As the fastest growing mobile broadband mobile communications in emerging markets, Indonesia, the world's mobile operators are facing common challenges: rapid proliferation of smart phones, mobile broadband market to flourish, to bring to the mobile network capacity pressure. Telkomsel as the main GSM, UMTS network equipment suppliers, on this basis, Huawei continues to Telkomsel to provide the world's leading SingleRAN LTE solutions. The demonstration of LTE technology, bandwidth of 10MHz, to 71.6Mb / s peak downlink rate. At this rate, the first of more than 10 MP3 download can be done in an instant, can also demand 32 high-definition video. High spectral efficiency of the future to meet local market demand for mobile broadband, so that Telkomsel precious and limited spectrum assets to achieve maximum benefit.

Vice President of Huawei South Pacific Paul Michael Scanlan said: "Huawei is committed to helping operators worldwide to maximize the efficiency of assets, and thus in the ascendant era of mobile broadband to help operators achieve commercial success. LTE will undoubtedly be mobile operators to build MBB lead the best choice, in LTE, Huawei has won the largest number of patented technologies, and build up networks that have been commercially released. Huawei interested in, have the ability to become the world's mobile operators in the mobile broadband business with the best partner. "

Huawei is committed to promoting the ecological environment of robust LTE and prosperity. Since 2010, Huawei has become the largest contributor to 3GPP standards, holds the world's largest LTE essential patents, and LTE-Advanced to become the core drafters of the Standards Working Group. Given the enormous contribution LTE industry, Huawei has won four this year, LTE-related awards: Award for best commercial LTE performance, the best LTE network equipment, Best Award and Best R & D LTE LTE standard Award.

Under Huawei's LTE in 10MHz reached 71.6Mb / s peak downlink rate

Indonesia's Ministry of Communications, Mr. Marzan A. Iskandar (front row, second from left) and Telkomsel CEO Sarwoto Atmosutarno President (front row, third from left) carefully watched the Huawei LTE demonstration