Xu Deng1,2, Lena Mammen1, Hans-Jürgen Butt1, Doris Vollmer1,*
+ Author Affiliations
1Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, D-55128, Mainz, Germany.
2Center of Smart Interfaces, Technical University Darmstadt, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany.
↵*To whom correspondence should be adddressed. E-mail: vollmerd@mpip-mainz.mpg.de
Coating is an essential step in adjusting the surface properties of materials. Superhydrophobic coatings with contact angles greater than 150° and roll-off angles below 10° for water have been developed, based on low energy surfaces and roughness on the nano- and micrometer scales. However, these surfaces are still wetted by organic liquids such as surfactant-based solutions, alcohols, or alkanes. Coatings that are simultaneously superhydrophobic and superoleophobic are rare. We designed an easily fabricated, transparent, and oil-rebounding superamphiphobic coating. A porous deposit of candle soot was coated with a 25-nm-thick silica shell. The black coating became transparent after calcination at 600°C. After silanization, the coating is superamphiphobic and remained so even after its top layer was damaged by sand impingement.
Received for publication 8 April 2011.
Accepted for publication 8 November 2011.