Apple iPad 3 can be presented to the birthday of Steve Jobs

Publisher Economic Times reports that Apple intends to honor the memory of who died October 5, 2011 former CEO Steve Jobs, in conjunction with the launch of third generation tablets iPad for his birthday. The deceased was born on February 24. However, the resource is 9 to 5 Mac, usually provides a sufficiently accurate information on the announcements of Apple, said that new products are usually presented on Tuesday or Wednesday, and February 24, 2012 falls on a Friday. From this it is concluded that 24 device is already in the shops (the usual practice, when sales of new products will start on the last working day of the week), and its announcement will take place earlier - in late January or early February. iPad first was presented on Wednesday, January 27, and in sale on Saturday, April 3. His successor was shown on Wednesday, March 2, and in sale on Friday, March 11. At the time of announcement of the tablet iPad 2 Steve Jobs was already on sick leave, but specially for the event came to personally introduce novelty. According to rumors the difference between the second and third versions of the iPad will not be so large so early a date out to the market model is quite realistic, subject to the condition that the partners will Apple provide a sufficient number of components by the end of February.