Nokia announced that its new flagship smartphone Nokia Lumia 800 will be available in Russia on 1 December to 20 990 rubles price. Nokia Lumia 800 - the first Nokia model based on OS Window Phone. The first consignment will be shipped in the Flagship Salon Nokia (street Tverskaya 18b). Until December 10, the model will be presented only in the original retail Nokia. The second model line of Lumia - Nokia Lumia 710 is expected to retail in mid-December. Russia - one of the few countries where the sale of Nokia Lumia 800 starts this year. "The first party is going to plant in Finland, we were able to start shipping sooner than planned. Less than 2 weeks after opening the pre-order we have collected syshe 5000 preliminary applications for the Nokia Lumia 800 in Russia, and this before the campaign," - Bertman said Erik (Erik Bertman), Vice-President, Head of Nokia Eurasia. Lumia Nokia 800 has a range of services Nokia, including a navigation service Navigator Nokia c free detailed maps for more than 90 countries around the world, step by step navigation and a special interface for the driver. Other features of the model, which identifies the manufacturer:
Access to the Microsoft Marketplace with a separate selection of applications for users of Nokia;
Preset the new Internet Explorer 9, which ensures fast loading of data from the Internet and supports the HTML 5;
Preset as the primary search Yandex for Russian version of the model;
Integration with Microsoft Office, allowing you to work with documents, Word, Excel, Power Point, etc. Quick and easy to use email client.
Sales of Nokia Lumia 800 in Russia will begin December 1
Window Phone,
Windows Mobile