MTS-Ukraine introduces a special fare MAX Energy Allo with free calls within Ukraine

The mobile operator "MTS Ukraine" announced the launch of a special fare MAX Hello Energy, which will be sold in shops of "Hello."

From 29 November customers trading network "Hello" can connect to a special rate discounts MAX Energy Hello and free to communicate with all subscribers of Ukrainian mobile operators within the package of services. In this tariff, users receive monthly: 3000 minutes for calls to subscribers of MTS Ukraine, 1500 SMS to subscribers of MTS in Ukraine, 100 minutes for calls to other operators in Ukraine, and 1500 MB of Mobile GPRS-Internet. Connection fee for calls to subscribers in Ukraine is absent.

Cost of starter pack 55 UAH. ($ 1 ~ 8 USD), with counts 45 UAH. Monthly payment rate MAX Energy Allo is 55 UAH., The cost of calls to other operators' networks over packet - 0.60 UAH. / Min, SMS - 0,49 UAH.

To take advantage of the listed packages of services, after buying the starter pack to be a one-time subscriber to replenish your account 15 USD. one payment. The need to regularly refill package for the extension is not present - free minutes, SMS and megabytes of traffic is automatically calculated each calendar month.

Buy starter packs to the tariff MAX Energy Allo possible in commerce, "Hello."