Opera 12.10 Beta Candidate 5

Before leaving the office we decided to add a few fixes to this week's build.  Mac users might notice improvement in scrolling performance, especially on pages with lots of plugins. Also we fixed numerous crashes and a regression in previous build some of you could notice

WARNING: This is a development snapshot: It contains the latest changes, but may also have severe known issues, including crashes and data loss situations. In fact, it may not work at all.

Windows 32-bit / Windows 64-bit
Mac OS X 32-bit

DSK-373909 Mac: Flash position out of sync with drawing when being moved/scrolled
CORE-48839 Crash on exit while Speed Dial is still loading
CORE-48821 Crash on default mouse event when a document has been closed
CORE-48754 Crash when expanding object in console, using ExamineObject on Storage
CORE-48780 NSL on multiple frames loading same resources
CORE-48369 Ex-prototype singleton class not traced
CT-3567 Progressbar barely appears on page reload