Thumbs Up for Responsible Driving

Motorola Mobility teams up with racing legend Kyle Petty in support of National Safe Driving Month

June is National Safe Driving Month, and Motorola Mobility is calling for all drivers to get their thumbs up - off the phone and on the steering wheel. This summer driving season, Motorola Mobility continues to be committed to educating consumers about responsible driving nationwide. Motorola has a suite of hands-free Bluetooth in-car speakerphones and headsets, highlighted by the new Motorola ROADSTER 2, an in-car speakerphone, and Motorola ELITE SLIVER, a universal Bluetooth headset, which helps drivers follow the rules of the road. By leveraging such products, Motorola Mobility hopes to educate drivers and encourage people to be responsible behind the wheel this summer.

Both devices use Bluetooth® technology to deliver a hands-free experience and enable drivers to keep their eyes on the road. Enhanced My MotoSpeak™ capabilities offer the latest text-to-speech and speech-to-text technology so motorists can hear incoming text messages and dictate a response through voice. With Motorola Mobility’s hands-free devices, motorists are better equipped to keep their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.

And no one knows more about the importance of responsible driving than former NASCAR driver and racing legend Kyle Petty. In support of National Safe Driving Month, Motorola Mobility teamed up with Petty to promote the Motorola ROADSTER 2 – the newest Bluetooth enabled in-car speakerphone - and give responsible driving a thumbs up!

“Summer’s a big driving season. That’s why I’m teaming up with Motorola Mobility to remind all motorists that when you’re on the road, nothing is more important than responsibly crossing the finish line,” said Petty.

Stay hands-free this summer with your own Bluetooth device and visit for a special 20% discount during the month of June.