The traffic on Nokia Conversations has been growing very nicely during the first five months of 2012. Compared to the second half of 2011, our global traffic is up by 38%. Traffic coming from the US has grown by a whopping 99%.
Together with our regional editions (China, Russia, Latin America, Finland) we are now getting about 1.2 million visits every month. The top 10 countries in terms of traffic volumes are India, USA, UK, Finland, Philippines, Germany, Pakistan, Australia, Canada and Malaysia.
When you consider the population, our Finnish blog is the most popular regional edition. Obviously Finland is a special case for Nokia!
One of my favourite moments in recent weeks was publishing the Lumia 900 hammer video, which now has more than 2.2 million views on YouTube. Our quality guys in San Diego made the video, and I had to exchange stern emails with the Legal Department before we could publish it (they were concerned people might try it at home).
We launched a new layout and design for Conversations last October and made some tweaks to it in April. Traffic growth indicates we’re on the right track with usability. While I’d love to take personal credit for the huge growth in our US traffic, it’s probably more due to the fact that we now have exciting products like the Nokia Lumia 900 and 710 on that market.
Conversations stories reflect Nokia’s strategy, which means we focus heavily on Lumia. Another key topic is Asha, especially as we have many readers in areas where people use feature phones. Now that the Nokia PureView 808 is rolling out to the market, we’ll be talking a lot about its brilliant camera technology. There are also a lot of dedicated Symbian and N9 users out there, and naturally we want to cater to their needs as well.
I would like to thank our readers for keeping the site alive by visiting it, sharing our stories and leaving us comments and feedback.
Nokia Conversations traffic is up by 38%